with Bob Condly

How Long?


(This is the third post in a series on prayer. For the first, go here; for the second, here.)

Some phrases stick with you. Years ago, I wrote a paper about Psalm 13 for an Old Testament class. I still remember feeling the psalmist David’s heavy heart as four times in the opening verses he calls out, “How long?” Stressed about enemies and God’s supposed indifference, he wondered when (or if) the Lord would come through for him. With one eye on God and another on the clock, David poured out his anxiety.

That simple question got into my head, so even now, when I hear it, I recall that psalm.

Since Psalm 13 is a prayer, you could apply the the question, “how long?” to prayer itself. How long should you pray about a matter? Should you beseech God a long time or only briefly? And should you address Him repeatedly about an issue or is once enough?

Here are four possibilities.

  1. Long

Some people have trouble with prayer because they don’t know what to say. The idea of talking to God stumps them because it feels like it’s a one-way conversation. What do you say? What’s proper and what’s out of bounds? And praying in public? Leading a group of people? Not me!

But others don’t hold back. They tell God everything that’s on their mind. The Bible records several lengthy prayers, including those spoken by Nehemiah and Daniel. The longest chapter in the Bible, Psalm 119, is a prayerful meditation on the value of Scripture. Finally, Jesus prayed all night before He chose His 12 apostles the following morning. And His prayer shortly before His arrest took up an entire chapter.

So lengthy prayers pass biblical muster.

  1. Short

But perhaps long prayers are unnecessary. Maybe you should just get right to the point. Avoid prattle. That’s what Solomon recommends. God is an awesome king, so keep your head and your word count down.

When he heard about the shabby conditions of the city of Jerusalem, Nehemiah prayed promptly but succinctly. And later, when his boss, the emperor of Persia, asked him what he wanted to do about it, Nehemiah had time only for a quick “God, help me!” under his breath.

Even the most famous prayer in the Bible,  the Lord’s Prayer, is only seven verses long. It’s not too difficult to repeat. (I just timed myself and it took me 21 seconds!)

To thank His Father, Christ needed only two sentences. And Jesus’ confidence in God was so great that His brief prayer before raising Lazarus was for the benefit of the audience rather than for Himself.

  1. Once

God know what you need, so you don’t have to ramble. In fact, you need only mention your request a single time. As Jesus explains, by your faith in God, you’ve already received your answer. In fact, I’ve heard some pastors claim that if you pray about a problem more than once, you’re not trusting God. Your words might appear faithful but your heart harbors unbelief.

Really? I understand their logic, but it seems harsh, doesn’t it? I guess I’m guilty! You, too?

  1. Often

Nothing exceeds the reach of prayer. You can intercede for anybody and pray about any situation at any time. That’s Paul’s admonition about Spirit-anointed prayer.

And Jesus illustrates frequent prayer with His parable of the persistent widow. This poor woman, with little social support and no political power, sought justice from a reluctant judge. She badgered him until he caved. She wouldn’t quit. Her weapon was repetition and with it, she won her case.


So which option is right? Which should you choose? Perhaps it just depends. Certain situations require lots of prayer; other circumstances call for a quick response.

But I suggest an alternative. Rather than choosing from among these four, combine them. Put them in a blender and mix them up. What do you get? “Always!”

Pray always. That’s what Jesus wants you to do. Paul, too. Prayer never stops because it serves as the communicative dimension of your relationship with God that never ceases.

And as long as you care about the needs of other people, you have to pray constantly. Paul never gave up interceding for his churches.

How long should you pray? Always – long prayers, short cries, one-time petitions, repeated requests. When you commit to being a disciple, you discover that prayer is much more than a petition, a request, or even an expression of gratitude. It’s a lifestyle, an ongoing relationship. It’s the verbalization of your relationship with Jesus.

How long? Always!


  • Pastor Bob I am thoroughly enjoying your blog! Hope Grace and the kids are doing well.

    • Thanks, Manda! Yes, the family’s fine. Between music lessons, rehearsals, and rock climbing, the kids keep us busy (Grace more than me!), but it’ll pay off in the long run. Nothing impacts your future quite like rock climbing!:)

with Bob Condly

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