with Bob Condly


Pay Attention!


“Do as I say, not as I do!”

“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks!”

“Yes, but . . .”

I’m pretty good at generating excuses; after all, they’re easier than explanations or apologies! But if I take the time to slow down, ask myself basic questions, talk to the Lord, and listen, I can learn something.

My blog post last week described how years ago I had preached a two-part sermon series on the book of Ruth. Each message lasted more than an hour, so even though the audience seemed interested in the subject, I might have tired them out. A lady pointing to her watch was a clue!

Since then, I’ve learned to pare down my talks. My goal is to serve people, not sap their strength, so I’ve tried to streamline my communication. The positive feedback I’ve gotten indicates that listeners appreciate brevity.

But rules have exceptions. Just this past Sunday, I guest spoke at Shalom Ministries, a missional community supported by Victory International Fellowship. I’d prepared a 30 minute message, but Pastor Tony Vento texted me a few times that I ought to go longer. He wanted me to take as much time as the Holy Spirit required. No predetermined limits!

So I preached for about an hour, maybe a little longer. And I felt torn. On the one hand, I enjoyed the opportunity to encourage the church with God’s Word. But I wondered if I was being hypocritical by going against a personal standard–“Short and sweet!”

The message seemed to fit where Shalom was at spiritually and what the Lord wanted to foster in the church. That’s all good, so maybe I should drop my guideline. Perhaps being concise all the time is unnecessary, too restrictive.

Have you noticed that the ways of the Lord can be difficult to figure out (see Romans 11:33)? You gain insight from His Word one day only to have life challenge it the next. Jesus is unpredictable! When you think you’ve comprehended the mind of Christ, He surprises you. God isn’t erratic; to the contrary, He never changes. He’s just too big for you to contain.

After contemplating my preaching experience, I realized that the Lord was building up my sense of awareness, my capacity to recognize what’s going on within me and around me.

Becoming aware of something doesn’t mean that you let it control you. Rather, mindfulness sets you up to be able to make a good decision about your next step.

My guideline of speaking no more than 30 minutes, although a good principle, didn’t square with Shalom’s circumstances. Disciples of Jesus learn how to align God’s wisdom with the flow of life’s vicissitudes.

It starts with awareness. Pay attention to what’s going on in your heart and in your environment. As God grants discernment to your soul, you’ll grow sensitive to these matters and His Spirit will help you to respond appropriately.

Enjoy the view!

with Bob Condly

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