with Bob Condly


The Fruit of One’s Life

(https://media.istockphoto.com/id/1250605154/vector/rotten-quince-vector-isolated-yellow-fruit.jpg?s=612×612&w=0&k=20&c=-FvwbTvZsZON0ISm4zB0w07fLjhCxWInHRe8-rVtJZw= and https://img.freepik.com/free-vector/orange-fruit-designs-abstract-illustration-vector_343694-2834.jpg)

Christians have long recognized the significance of good works in the book of James. While the apostle stresses the need to put God’s Word into practice, he includes a passage that explores the psychological depth that gives rise to unrighteousness and its ill effects. It lays out a sequence of stages of the development of evil.

“But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. 15Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it has run its course, brings forth death.” – James 1:14-15 (NASB)

Sin starts with lust. In the Bible,  the Greek noun epithumia refers to strong desire or craving. In other words, lust makes us scour the world searching for what will satisfy our desires. Lust makes us look at or for something or someone we might consume. It’s self-centered, which tells us something must be wrong inside if we have these kinds of cravings.

But lust isn’t in total control of our hearts. It tempts us, but it doesn’t force us to grab what we want. James implies we have a measure of authority over our choices; in God’s eyes, we’re responsible for ourselves.

Lust isn’t a passive foe of our souls; it’s busy affecting the course of our lives. James tells us that it has the ability to conceive. That image suggests that selfish desire creates a consequence beyond itself. It’s self-centered, but not isolated. Something germinates within our hearts. It hides, but grows. And after a time (how long, we don’t know), it emerges. Lust births a child.

James calls this offspring “sin.” The Greek word (hamartia) means to miss the mark. It describes how an archer’s arrow fails to hit a target. In Paul’s understanding, “the glory of God” is the bull’s-eye (Romans 3:23). For John, “sin is lawlessness” (1 John 3:4). The inner desire has now produced something that has an aberrant life of its own. Sin, turning us away from God’s will and His ways, sets out on an independent path.

Sin doesn’t stay small. Although it starts out as vulnerable and non-threatening, it grows into adulthood. It becomes death.

In the Bible, death is much more than the cessation of animated physical existence. It’s separation from God, the Source of life. The Lord had warned Adam and Eve that on the day they disobeyed Him, they would die (Genesis 2:17). But after they’d succumbed to temptation, they lived a long time banished from the Garden of Eden. God wasn’t wrong; death was spreading. Sin separated humanity from God; that’s death, not life as the Lord intended for us. And it comes in waves–spiritual separation from God, relational separation from others, and physical separation of spirit from body.

Without using the word, James likens the outcome of sin to fruit. Death is rotten fruit.

For the most part, we don’t have to be told not to eat spoiled food. The ruined appearance, the awful smell, and the lousy taste convince us to keep away! We want something better; we’re looking for fruit that exists as it’s supposed to, the way God designed it.

So what would be the opposite of this degrading process James describes?

Within James’ letter, love is the antithesis of lust. These do function in similar ways; like lust, love also makes us look, but their purposes differ. When we walk in love, we keep our eyes open so we might bless others. We aim to give, not get.

And like lust, love is a strong desire, but it’s not selfish. Rather than filling its own belly, love seeks the fulfillment of others. This can include little things, like a cup of cold water (Matthew 10:42), or big things, like announcing the gospel of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:14-41).

Love also conceives and what grows within it remains hidden for a season. The work of love isn’t always visible, but after a while, it gives birth to a child, the opposite of death. That’s life!

The kind of life James strives for is spiritual and practical. He encourages us Christians to help each other and to care for each other. When we do, we please the Lord. Our faith in Christ proves vital, not vain.

Good fruit is life-giving. It nourishes the body, but more than that, its fragrance and taste also delight the soul. And so our discipleship in Christ should be a blessing. Living out our commitment to Jesus will enrich us personally, but it will also gladden those around us.

Fruit is the outcome of our lives. The world encourages us to chase after whatever we want, whenever we want, by any means necessary. That’s why there are so many problems in individuals and societies.

The way of life in Jesus Christ, drawing from the God of life, fills the heart and frees people to serve, share, and bless.

The choice is ours.

Patience Is the Key

On a few occasions, I’ve taught Christians to be patient when they read the Bible.

This idea developed in my heart years ago when I was studying for my qualifying exams at Marquette University. One of my tests focused on the letters of Paul. As I was going through the material, I noticed how the scholars and commenters stressed following the train of thought.

It’s easy for me to rush when I read the Word. I do this for a couple of reasons. One, I’ve read through the Bible several times, so I kind of know what’s coming when I get into a chapter. (At least I think I do!) Two, I have an idea that’s controlling my interpretation of the passage, so I’ll speed up lest I find something that contradicts what I believe in or hope for.

I’m not saying this is good; I’m being honest!

But the qualifying exam forced me to slow down and consider each verse in light of what the biblical writers wanted to communicate. I began to learn how to interpret the parts in light of the whole and the whole in light of each part.

The Bible isn’t always easy to understand. We don’t have to pretend otherwise. Sometimes, we don’t get what the Lord is saying. The names of people or places proliferate, the events get difficult to keep track of, and some ideas seem odd.

But there’s hope for us!

It’s always been this way! Even in the days of the apostle Peter, people were twisting the Bible when they couldn’t figure out what it meant.

The following passage addresses this issue:

Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. 16He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction. 17Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position. 18But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever! Amen. – 2 Peter 3:15-18

Let’s look at the flow of thought.

The third chapter of this letter deals with the second coming of Jesus Christ. In particular, Peter is responding to those who questioned whether the Lord would ever return. Delay led to doubt. If He hadn’t come back yet, it could be because He’d never planned to. And if that’s the case, Christians had misunderstood the remarks of Jesus and the apostles.

But delay isn’t denial. God had good reasons for prolonging the wait. He wanted as many people as possible to believe in His Son before it was too late (see verse 9) . Once Jesus returns, that’s it! 

This is why God exercises patience. In a practical sense, patience means salvation. The more forbearing the Lord is, the more people can get saved. Not a difficult concept to grasp.

But Peter recognizes that the matter isn’t quite this simple. Paul wrote about this topic, and many others, too. And some of his ideas are tough to follow.

When we encounter difficulties in the Bible, what should we do? How about we imitate our Lord? Peter declares that God’s patience paves the way for a fuller salvation. Couldn’t that principle apply to our study of the Word? I believe it does!

What’s the alternative? Peter spotlights unlearned and unstable folk who jump at the chance to twist the Scriptures to suit their agendas. This behavior reveals impatience. Rather than waiting on the Spirit for insight, these people impose their understanding on the Word of God. And rather than discovering more of the Lord’s salvation, they face destruction. 

Peter doesn’t want us believers to fall into that pit. We can use a spiritual checklist for our time in the Word:

  • Read the Bible
  • Reflect on its meaning
  • Discuss it with other Christians
  • Wait on God in prayer
  • Do what the Word and Spirit direct

Not only will this help us to steer clear of mistakes and misjudgments, it will also aid our growth in Jesus Christ. We’ll know Him better and better.

And after all, isn’t that the aim of the Bible?

with Bob Condly

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