with Bob Condly


Timing Our Life in the Spirit


As a new year gets underway, it’s natural for us to take a little time to examine our time. We review the highs and lows of the past 12 months, going over the goals we achieved or missed.

We can take stock of where we are in the moment, what sort of person we’ve become, and whether we like our present condition.

Using a calendar and a notepad, we can plan an agenda for the next 12 months. What do we aim to produce? What do we seek from the Lord?

Taking steps like these is commonplace, but not everyone treats the three main phases of time in equal fashion.

I found a few images that illustrate the differences.

For example, some folks downgrade the past; what’s done is done. We can’t change the past but we can improve on it.


Others esteem the past as the basis for productivity. The better we understand our history, the more we can achieve as we build on what it provides.


There are those who stress the present moment; it’s all we have. The past is out of reach and the future is an imaginary construct.


But others take the opposite approach and overlook the present. They accept it as a given but invest themselves in exploring the treasures of the past or realizing the possibilities of the future.


Some people harmonize past, present, and future in equal proportions.


This idea of balance aligns with the biblical teaching about the significance of time for our spiritual lives.

“Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. 8Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” – Hebrews 13:7-8

All three stages of time–past, present, and future–have value. And role models authenticate this–church leaders and Jesus Christ Himself.

Let’s take them in reverse order and start with the Lord.

Verse 8 emphasizes the stability of Christ’s character and His eternal nature. Like God Himself (see Malachi 3:6), Jesus doesn’t change. We can rely on Him without consternation.

Our circumstances may fluctuate, we abandon opinions we once held firm, and sometimes we have a hard time reaching a decision. In contrast with our erratic and unpredictable ways, Jesus merits our dependence. He won’t let us down. The One who performed miracles 2000 years ago works wonders today and He’s promised to continue. Who He is doesn’t vacillate; what He does never crumbles.

Jesus is the paragon of spirituality stability; but His perfection may tempt us to treat Him as too distant to relate to us. Verse 7 counters this fear by introducing church leaders as examples whom we may emulate. These men and women exhibit steadfastness because they draw their personal strength from Christ. In this way, they demonstrate what discipleship looks like across the years.

First, we look to the past. The writer of this epistle instructs us to remember these leaders, in particular their speech. Those who invest the truth of God’s Word in us deserve our respect. And we do ourselves a favor by recalling what they’ve told us about the kingdom of God.

Second, we engage in reflection. Before we chase the dreams of the future, we will do well to dedicate time now to contemplation. As we reflect on the lives of leaders who’ve served the Lord with honor, we give ourselves the opportunity to tie things together. We clarify how to prioritize Jesus, what we can expect of God’s guidance, and how the commitments we make now will affect others.

Third, we set up ourselves for a blessed future by copying our leaders. We may feel second-rate compared to those whom we hold in high regard, but these godly men and women are no different than us. They had rich spiritual lives because they followed Jesus Christ. He’s the One who made them the mentors and guides they became.

We can experience the blessings of God in the new year that will unfold before us. As we look to the Lord Jesus and receive the wisdom of those who’ve walked with Him, we will set ourselves up for what the Father has in store for us.

May 2019 be a year of balance and fulfillment in your discipleship journey.

“He will be the stability of your times, abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is Zion’s treasure.” – Isaiah 33:6 (ESV)

When Enough Time Doesn’t Feel Like Enough


What God shows you will get challenged. You can either fight the threat or cooperate with it.

I don’t recommend you give up; you don’t have to abandon God’s Word. But when you find your heart arguing with the Lord, acknowledge it. And dare to find out why.

A while back, I wrote about an insight I believe God had revealed to me. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” At the heart of this verse lay a central thought: “there is time.” You have enough time. Even if you feel rushed or burdened, there’s time enough for you.

But (no surprise here), my faith in this Scripture soon got tested. I wrote about that experience, too.

Before God had spoken to me, I had been wrestling with all kinds of demands on my time. I assumed that this Bible verse would give me a sense of victory and reduce my distress.

But it didn’t. The pressure didn’t subside. I’d catch myself on several occasions telling people, “I don’t have enough time.” I tried to interrupt myself or change my wording, but it bothered me that I repeated the line. Was this just a lazy habit or did it suggest something more profound?

Here’s what I was thinking:

  • I’m busy
  • When I’m busy, I feel pressured
  • But God said I have enough time
  • I believe Him
  • But I still feel pressured
  • Now I can’t turn anybody down because God removed my excuse of a lack of time

I can’t say I don’t have time because I do.

Don’t I?

God unearthed the root of my trouble – priorities. I do have sufficient time, but not for everything. God creates the conditions for what’s worthwhile.

I’d lost control over my schedule. Or maybe I’d given it away. Other people were filling up my day by their requests, suggestions, and invitations. Greg McKeown warns that “if you don’t prioritize your life, someone else will.” Jack Welch, the former CEO of GE, agrees: you must “control your destiny or someone else will.” There’s no escaping this: “we can either make our choices deliberately or allow other people’s agendas to control our lives.”

What’s worse, if you give away all your time, you lose your freedom, too. You end up incarcerating yourself: “when we don’t set clear boundaries in our lives we can end up imprisoned by the limits others set for us.”

Do you feel like you’re in jail? Has your calendar become your prison? Just telling yourself that you have enough time won’t cut it; even quoting verses doesn’t guarantee success. Why? Because God uses His Word to expose deeper problems. My issue appeared to be a lack of time or maybe a time management problem. But fundamentally, my life wasn’t lining up with my values.

I discovered that Jesus wanted me to learn how to say yes to priorities and no to anything of lesser value.

Don’t mix up your yesses and noes. According to business consultant Justin Bariso, “every time you say yes to something you don’t really want, you’re actually saying no to the things you do.” Ouch! I don’t want to waste myself like that, do you?

When you say no to minor opportunities, you can say yes to something fulfilling and enriching. So don’t be afraid of turning down a few requests. As McKeown observes, “only once you give yourself permission to stop trying to do it all can you make your highest contribution towards what really matters.”

After the Lord’s correction, I’ve found an increasing sense of focus and order in my routines and commitments. I don’t control life but I don’t have to. Orienting myself around Jesus helps me handle everything bidding for my attention.

What’s essential in your life? What is God’s will for you? Jesus will help you think through questions like these. As His disciple, you’ll clarify His direction and purpose. And you’ll confirm that the Bible was right all along. You do have enough time; time for what’s important.

with Bob Condly

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