with Bob Condly

Perfect Mistakes


I love it when I find errors in the Bible! Sometimes I get nervous, but often I’m excited because I’m confident that God will show me the truth. I expect that I will be wrong about the Bible being wrong.

This is what I experienced when my pastor quoted a verse I’ve read dozens (hundreds?) of times. 

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9

Paul appears to misquote the Lord. How is a negative answer to prayer an act of grace? And why would God’s power need to be perfected? My strength could use a boost, sure, but His? Didn’t the power of God raise Jesus from the dead? That sounds perfect to me!

Assuming that the apostle wrote down the statement word for word as he heard it, what does it mean?


Let’s start with a little background. The Corinthian church, which received at least two letters from Paul, wrestled with a lot of problems. The city had a reputation in the Roman Empire for gross immorality, even by pagan standards. So the Christians there had to contend with constant temptations and assaults. They debated about what constituted God-honoring morality and how to live it out.

But many of the Corinthian believers bought into esteem with which the Greek culture prized wisdom. As a result, the church favored spiritual leaders who could communicate deep ideas well. They honored those whom they considered to be impressive public speakers but in their eyes, Paul didn’t make the cut.

So the apostle spent much of this letter defending his leadership and, in particular, his discipline of the congregation. Of course, this wasn’t the only church that Paul oversaw, so he had his fill of stress and pressure.

To top all this off, Paul was harassed by someone he identifies as “a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan” (2 Corinthians 12:7). Whether this was a demon or a person trying to destroy Paul’s ministry, the result was the same–anxiety over the welfare of those he led to Christ. The apostle wanted this battle to quit, so three times he asked Jesus to intervene.


The Lord’s reply consists of two parts: an emphasis on grace and an insight about power.


Jesus tells Paul that His grace is enough for him. Whatever Paul is facing, God’s grace will meet the challenge. That’s comforting! No matter the troubles that weigh us down, the grace of Jesus will give us what we need. It won’t come up short.


Except that it looks like Jesus contradicts Himself! If His grace suffices for Paul, why would it need to be perfected? Does the Lord mean that He will give Paul only enough power to squeak through his trials? How tightfisted is He?

And isn’t God’s grace already perfect? How can it get better? How can you improve on perfection?

It goes to the meaning of perfection. When we say something’s perfect, we mean that it’s flawless. But the Greek verb, teleo, emphasizes purpose (telos means “end”) rather than impeccable performance.

God intends His power to help us. Apart from us, it’s idle. His goal is to work with us and within us. He wants us to grow through the trials we go through. And as we depend on His ability, we find that we do.

Jesus doesn’t have to do this. He could choose to save us and then leave us to ourselves, but that’s not His way. Instead, He uses our experiences to develop our character, deepen our faith, and witness His wisdom. The power of grace!


Jesus didn’t mislead Paul, and the apostle didn’t put words in the Lord’s mouth. The truth of these encouraging words stands forever.

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

God has plans for us but when we’re weak, we fear that He’s abandoned us. At those times, we need the assurance of His gracious presence and His ability to bring us to victory. As He does, we disciples learn to deal with difficulties with supernatural resources. Far from letting us down, Jesus stays with us so that we can draw closer to Him and reveal Him better and better.

And that’s no mistake!

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.” – Ephesians 3:20-21


with Bob Condly

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